Kelsey Calderone, MA

Kelsey Calderone, MA

Kelsey Calderone M.A. provides therapy services for children and families. She graduated from Roosevelt University with an M.A in Clinical Psychology Counseling Practice and has a background working in a hospital setting and other outpatient partial hospitalization programs. Her areas of interest and specialties include: mood disorders, anxiety related disorders, behavior management, parent coordination and training, ADHD, and high-functioning autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Kelsey emphasizes an individualized, client-centered process by offering a safe and collaborative environment that encourages clients to explore their strengths; she aims to empower clients to take an active role in setting their treatment goals. Using a combination of ACT, CBT, DBT, and family systems approaches, she works to build rapport with clients so that they feel comfortable, motivated, and capable of making positive changes in their lives as they acquire the skills they need to overcome challenges and build resiliency.